Monday, October 22, 2012

Brianna Still Needs Your Help!

Brianna on her way to Animal Services last week.

Many of you have been following the story of Brianna; a loveable, unassuming mutt who was found on a farm in rural Tampa a little over a week ago. Well, here is her story to date:

We are guessing she is about two years old and is obviously some kind of mixed breed dog (I like to call her AKC for “All Kinds of Canine”). When they found her she had open wounds on the pads of her feet from traveling (probably for miles and miles) but was otherwise in good spirits. In fact, she was so sweet that she charmed her way into the hearts of all the farm workers. When no one could take her home she ended up at Hillsborough County Animal Services. But no owner ever came forward to claim her and no one adopted her so our family brought her home as a foster.

Brianna kept getting more...

... and more stressed out at Animal Services.
How could we have possibly left her there?  

Unfortunately, Brianna tested positive for heartworms before she left the shelter. This means that she will require months of expensive treatments and crate rest until the worms are completely out of her system. Luckily, she qualifies for a discounted treatment program through the Humane Society of Tampa Bay. However, the treatments will still cost $325. In addition, the Humane Society treatments do not cover additional vetting that Brianna requires.

Timberlane Pet Hospital in Plant City has offered to take care of Brianna’s additional veterinary needs for about $150 (sorry I can’t be more specific but it’s hard to get an accurate estimate before she has her initial exam). This will cover things like additional parasite screening, vaccinations and X-rays of her heart to see what kind of permanent damage, if any, has been done by the heartworms.    

Brianna is a WONDERFUL dog, worthy of a wonderful home someday. But before we can begin to look for her forever home we need to make sure she is healthy. PLEASE DONATE to one of her funds to insure she gets the veterinary care she so desperately needs.


Brianna will be going to Timberlane Pet Hospital on Tuesday, October 23rd for her initial exam and radiographs. Timberlane has been kind enough to allow us to pay her (estimated) $150.00 bill next week but it must be paid in full before Halloween. I cannot stress enough how desperately we need your help with this; if we can get only 15 people to donate $10 each these services will be completely covered!
Timberlane Pet Hospital in Plant City totally ROCKS!
They consistently go the extra mile (or ten)
for homeless animals in Hillsborough County.
We cannot thank them enough for all they do!  

To make a donation by credit card towards this fund please contact Timberlane at (813) 754-7387 or mail a check to Timberlane Pet Hospital and Resort, 1704 Walden Village Court, Plant City, FL 33566.

Please make checks payable to Timberlane Pet Hospital. Be sure to note payment is to be applied to the Brianna Fund C/O Leah Booker. Unfortunately, this donation is not tax deductible, but it will make a world of difference for Brianna.


Brianna’s treatment for the heartworms should start next week. The Humane Society of Tampa Bay has been kind enough to set up a donation fund for her. The goal is to raise the full $325 needed for her treatments.
Your donations to the Humane Society of Tampa Bay help homeless
animals like Brianna get the treatments they need so
they can find forever families. Thank you! 

To make a donation by credit card towards this fund please contact Alicia Chesney, Medical Operations Assistant at the Humane Society of Tampa Bay at (813) 252-2027 or mail a check to the Humane Society of Tampa Bay Attn: Alicia Chesney, 3809 N. Armenia Ave., Tampa, FL 33607.

Please make checks payable to the Humane Society of Tampa Bay. Be sure to note payment is to be applied to the Brianna Fund C/O Leah Booker. Because donations for this fund are made directly to the Humane Society of Tampa Bay they are 100% tax deductible (although Alicia asks that you please be patient with her as she mails your receipts!).

I have recommended Wag Pet Boutique before for their high quality
pet supplies and food but Wag owner Jennifer Fadal also has her
heart firmly in the pet rescue community and will go out on a limb
to help a pet in need. Please continue to support Wag and all of Tampa's
wonderful small businesses!

This Sunday, October 28th from 11:00am-3:00pm Wag Pet Boutique will host Attaboy Dog Obedience and Behavior as we offer Private Mini Dog Behavior Consultations for a paltry suggested donation of $20! 100% of the proceeds will go towards the Brianna Fund to pay for Brianna’s medical treatments. Wag is located on Davis Island at 304 East Davis Blvd., Tampa, FL 33606. If you have ever wondered what was going on inside your dog’s head now’s the time to find out! We look forward to seeing you there! 
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
by the way its animals are treated”. - M. Gandhi
We will make updates to Brianna’s progress, both in terms of her health and eventual adoption (when the time comes), as well as the fundraising efforts on her behalf. Stay tuned!


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